Monday, May 28, 2007

Micromash Bar Review for New York Bar Exam

I am brave. this I know. While 80% of all US law students study for the bar using Barbri, I am doing a self-study course that most of my classmates haven't even heard of. i must admit, however, that after reading all of the "introductory" materials for my self-study bar review course. I am starting to get a little scared. partly because I noticed a bunch of errors in the Micromash written material, which I am praying does not continue when I begin to read my subject-matter outlines. I am also nervous because they [Micromash writers] are telling me to study a few hours a day and gradually build stamina. excuse me, call me what you like but that's a bit frightening. who studyies for the New York bar and only spends 30 hours a week doing it!!! So as with everything else I am going to keep their guidelines in mind, and do what I do.

Anywho, there are 3 components to bar study. I learned all about this stuff this weekend during my "introductory" study session.

1. MBE. this is the multistate exam, which is taken on Wednesday. Every bar examinee in every state takes this same exam. 200 questions, 6 hours, 40% of the exam grade. MBE consists of six subjects-Torts, Contracts, Evidence, Property, Crim Law, & Con Law. Micromash suggests you "skim" the condensed outlines, and when you are done skimming, you should use the software in a guided learning mode to answer random questions in the subject. You get feedback on each question. When you are finished with a subject, the software populates the results, and from there you can determine what areas of the law you need to focus on. And if you're having a really hard time, you can go to the review text which provides in-depth coverage of the law. And if you are an expert of course you can go on. Micromash suggests spending 25 hours each week on the MBE portion.

2. State Review. In New York, the state portion is administered on Tuesday and consists of 5 essays utilizing NY law (45 mins each; 40% of exam), 50 multiple choice questions (60 mins; 10% of exam) and the MPT-multistate performance test (90 mins; 10% of exam). I think NY has the rep for being the hardes b/c of the number of subjects tested, but I'm not sure yet. I made it a point not to talk about the bar exam during law school, and now that I'm not studying with other law students I'm really out of the loop, which I think is a better way to study. The NY Bar tests on the 6 MBE subjects and 7 other subjects that I don't care to mention. The Micromash State Reveiw pairs you with an attorney mentor. We have essay-assigments due each week that are to be submitted to the mentor who will return the essay graded. The assignments tell you which subjects that you have to read for the week, and the reading is usually 200 pages. 45 minutes should be spent on the essay, b/c this is all you will have on the exam. But you can use the study materials at your own pace. Micromash also suggests I use the software for the state questions at my own pace.

In order to be admitted to the bar I am also going t o have to sit for the MPRE- a national professional responsibility exam. Most law students sit for this exam prior to commencement, but I had better things to do-like secure post-grad employment. But I plan to take this exam August 10th, although I still haven't registered. Can someone remind me?


Anonymous said...

The errors that you are reading in the Micromash review materials are REAL. I have noticed so many typos in my state review books that I am consulting my BAR/BRI law school prep books for backup! :)

Good luck and welcome to the world of self-studying!! WE CAN DO THIS!!!

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.